Monday, August 12, 2013

Posture and Back Pain

I have said and written many times that most of the patients of my San Diego Chiropractic clinic ended becoming patients because of aches and pains related to bad posture.  Think about how many times that your parents told you to "sit up straight" when you were a kid.  Although they probably didn't have any medical reasons behind this command, the potentially negative health consequences that accompany bad posture make this sitting up straight a reasonable request.

Bad posture can cause neck pain, headaches, back pain, digestive stress, carpal tunnel syndrome type symptoms, irritability and fatigue.  Surveys also indicate that bad posture gives others the opinion that you are not intelligent, lazy and unattractive. Egads!    

Correcting bad posture requires awareness, specific types of exercise, specific kinds of stretches and chiropractic treatment to help improve alignment and balance of the spine. 

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