Monday, July 29, 2013

Strong Glutes and Chiropractic

One of the common problems that I see in the patients of my San Diego chiropractic practice is weak gluteal muscles.  The gluteal muscles should be the strongest muscles in the body.  In addition to being powerful hip extensors that drive the body forward and upward in activities such as in running and climbing they also help hold our spine in proper alignment.

The problem with us in general is that instead of using our glutes to move our body weight we use them to sit on.  With increase time sitting and less activity time the glutes begin to weaken causing loss of posture, instability of the lower back and increased chance of injury.  When the glutes are weak the body recruits other muscles such as the hamstrings and the larger muscles of the lower back to perform the tasks that are usually handled by the glutes.  This kind of compensation leads to muscular imbalances, poor spinal alignment and back pain or injuries.

For most of us, avoiding hours of sitting each day would require a monumental effort as well as being in control of your work station.  Since this isn't possible in most cases, maintaining healthy spinal alignment requires specific exercises for the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, taking as many breaks from sitting during the day as possible, a structured stretching program and maintenance chiropractic treatment.

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